許 俊杰

  • 2020年3月31日


筑波大学 人間総合科学学術院 人間総合科学研究群 情報学学位プログラム 博士前期課程2年


2020年3月 立命館大学 情報理工学部 知能情報学科 卒業




Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Junjie-Xu-8/publications

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=0MX7Mg4AAAAJ&hl=ja


  • Huang, H., Xu, J., H, Ling, X., & Paliyawan, P. (2022). Sentence Punctuation for Collaborative Commentary Generation in Esports Live-Streaming. In The 40th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (to appear). Las Vegas, USA: IEEE.
  • Xu, J., H, Cai,Y., Fang, Z., & Paliyawan, P. (2021). Promoting mental well-being for audiences in a live-streaming game by highlight-based bullet comments. In The 10th global conference on consumer electronics (pp. 694–696). kyoto, Japan: IEEE.
  • Xu, J., H, Fang, Z., Ohno, S., Chen, Q., & Paliyawan, P. (2021). Fighting game commentator with pitch and loudness adjustment utilizing highlight cues. In The 10th global conference on consumer electronics (pp. 673–677). kyoto, Japan: IEEE.
  • Xu, J., H, Shinden, K., & Kato, M., P. (2021). Table caption generation in scholarly documents leveraging pre-trained models. In The 10th global conference on consumer electronics (pp. 690–693). kyoto,Japan: IEEE.
  • Xu, J., Paliyawan, P., Zhang, Y., Thawonmas, R. and Harada, T., 2019. Player Dominance Adjustment Motion Gaming AI for Health Promotion. In ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games (p. 43-). MIG ’19. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: ACM.
  • Xu, J., Paliyawan, P., Thawonmas, R. and Harada, T., 2019. Player Dominance Adjustment: Promoting Self-Efficacy and Experience of Game Players by Adjusting Dominant Power. In 2019 IEEE 8th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics. GCCE 2019 (pp. 623–624) (Award Nominated Paper). Osaka, Japan: IEEE.


  • 許 俊傑,問馬 樹,方 舟,パリヤワン プージャナー,原田 智広,ターウォンマット ラック,2019, November. 健康促進のためのプレイヤー適応型モーションゲーミングAI. In 第24回ゲームプログラミングワークショップ. GPW-19. Hakone, Japan: 情報処理学会.


  • Xu, J, H., Wiradee, I., & Kato, M. P. (2021). Toward description generation for tables in scientific articles. DEIM2021. Virtual, Japan: DBSJ (F14-3, pp. 1-7).